Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mt Emily Mushroom Hunt

We could not have asked for a nicer day to trek around the mountains in search of the illusive Morels and Snow Mushrooms (also called calf brain mushrooms). Elvira had her day cut out for her keeping track of her humans! Her nose worked over time on all the new smells the woods offered her. After a successful hunt we headed home for some fried goodness... Morels, pan fried. Yum!

Monday, May 9, 2011

When is it Spring?

Well it may be that Spring is officially here, by the calendar, but the weather is still saying winter. It really does not want to let go! On the bright side... The spring flowers are hanging on much longer than usual and are so very pretty! The little seed tulips are making a big show of it this year as they have spread along the fence and over into the neighbors driveway. The daffodils and grape hyacinth are also quite showy. I am planning to put some white tulips along the fence/pathway for next spring. We still have some work to do on the pathway but that will come along as it warms up a bit! I am really enjoying the longer days as they allow me to get out into the yard for a little bit after I get home from work.