Friday, February 25, 2022

Planting Spring Potatoes

Are you looking forward to Planting Spring Potatoes (The date to plant depends on your location). They are not that hard to plant, and once harvested, they will last for months stored in a cool place. You will find that potatoes are easy to grow, but like cool weather, so you should try to get them into the ground at the right time. You can order seed potatoes through mail-order garden companies or buy them at local garden centers/ hardware stores. You should be aware that supermarket potatoes are usually treated with chemicals to keep them from sprouting, so they may not grow well. The Organic ones at the stores aren't treated, so they should grow for you. You can store your seed potatoes in the refrigerator until ready to plant.

We are planning to plant in March, depending on the weather! We are in zone 6, but our local last frost date can be in June!