The two little Pawpaw trees I purchased 3 years ago are doing great! They are growing well, have been potted up to larger containers and even have some new leaves emerging. They are beautiful!
BUT!! What I didn't know is they need a genetically different partner to bear fruit...
"Pawpaws are picky about who pollinates their flowers. Many fruit trees are self-fertile, meaning they can use pollen from one flower to pollinate another flower on the same tree to produce fruit. Pawpaws require pollen from another (genetically different) tree to achieve pollination and fruiting. Furthermore, pawpaws are not pollinated by bees. Instead, beetles and flies are attracted to their flowers and spread the pollen. Because of this, you must have two trees growing within 10-15 feet of each other."
All I can hope is that the nursery where I purchased them had a diverse genetic stock of trees, or that they can tell me where the trees were grown and if they can find out about the genetics. (sigh)