Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Using Sugar for weed control ~ by Charlotte B.

     I LOVE those little wild violets, but they are a weed, I guess, because they like poor soil.
     When I started using sugar to nourish the beneficial microbes, my wild violets were one of the first weeds to go.
     I had some growing between the stones in a path, so I didn't put sugar there EVER. This year, my violets in the walk didn't come up. They were skimpier last year, but this year there were none. Guess the microbes made it up the path. LOL
     The only “weeds” that still grow in my yard are the trees the birds and wind seed in. Trees love rich soil, so of course they come up and grow faster, but all the broad leaf weeds and grassy weeds, just don’t come up anymore.
     Even the poison ivy doesn't come up in the alley since I put sugar out there for a couple of years.
Just apply sugar (plain table sugar) at the rate of 1 pound per 250 sq.ft, and water it in well, and DON’T use any chemicals on your lawn. The chemicals kill all the beneficial microbes and insects. ALL chemicals, fertilizers, insecticides, weed killers, fungicides, ALL of them.
    They kill off the food supply of toads, lizards and grass snakes that will keep your lawn freer of harmful insects than all the insecticides on the market will, and they work CHEAP!!!

If you would like more information on organic gardening, write me any time.
Charlotte (Organic Gardener for 10 years)

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