Monday, December 30, 2013

Goodbye Maverick.

The kittens are now 4 months old and it's time to say goodbye to one of them. Maverick has found a home with some very nice people. She is a beautiful, sweet little girl and we will miss her, as will her siblings and mother, but it's time for her to make another family happy with her antics. She will get a new home and probably a new name. We expect updates on her as she grows and matures.

Monday, December 9, 2013

The beauty of the Blue Mountains

bbrrr  bbrr!! It was 9° when I left the house at 8 am. Cannot get this office warm today! However... It sure was a pretty sight the other evening. We are surely setting some records cold temperatures for December! I am worried that some the plants that I have kept in pots, for years, may not survive, as there is no snow to cover them, here in the valley.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Callie & her 3 month old kittens

I've been asked to get some updated pictures of the kittens. They are 3 months old now & getting so big!
Callie is all fluffed up.... it's cold outside!
Little Joker, still the smallest.

So, Garfield, still on the couch.

Yes, mom ... we'll share my bed.  (Elvira really isn't sure about this.)
Garfield & Maverick, on the couch again.

Smokie & Maverick, enjoying some play time.