Monday, February 5, 2018

Blueberries ~ Gotta love em!

A few years ago I bought some large blueberry plants and then didn't get a spot opened up to plant them. They did ok in the pots for a couple of years, then I planted in their forever home and they promptly went to heck! One died and the other two are just struggling along. So here I am years later and have finally did what I should have done in the first place, reading about they care and feeding of blueberries! Yes, sometimes I am a slow learner at times.

Last year, realizing that the two struggling blueberries would either be too large for the spot they are in or finally die, I bought a bush variety, Northsky, that can live in pots. They were planted in a combination of potting soil, peat moss and steer manure (sterilized) and did very well last summer.

Northsky Blueberry "Vaccinium"

Half-High Blueberry fruiting mid-season.
Full Description
Northsky is the most cold-hardy of all blueberries and can survive extreme winter conditions. The compact bushes that carry a snow load without damage to the branches.Lower growing plant habit is particularly well suited for container growing, borders or group plantings. The bush grows 2-3 feet wide and begins spring completely covered in snow-white blooms. Fruits are small is size but with fresh wild flavor. 
Full Sun
12-24 inches
24-36 inches
  •      Do not fertilize newly planted bushes until they have leafed out. Work a fertilizer designed for acid-loving plants (10-10-10 or Osmocoat controlled release) into the top 3 inches of soil around each plant. Apply again 4-6 weeks later. After the first year, fertilize in spring as new growth begins, and again 4-6 weeks later. Apply fertilizer to the soil beneath each bush, keeping it 5-6 inches away from the main stem.
  •      Do not water as frequently after early September unless the soil is very dry.
  •      Mulch after the ground freezes in fall to prevent root damage from alternating freezing and thawing.
  •      Mulch with 2-3 inches of compost of pine needles to retain moisture and prohibit weed growth.
Northsky Blueberry 

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Paw Paw and Figs!! In NE Oregon?

Paw Paw: 

Paw Paw fruit
The largest edible fruit native to the Eastern United States and Canada and grows wild in twenty-six states. It belongs to the genus Asimina in the same plant family (the Annonaceae) as the custard-apple, cherimoya, sweetsop, ylang-ylang and soursop.  The Paw Paw is a small deciduous tree native to the eastern United States and Canada, producing a large, yellowish-green to brown fruit and is a patch-forming (clonal) understory tree found in well-drained, deep, fertile bottom-land and hilly upland habitat, with large, simple leaves. They are commonly eaten raw, but also make excellent ice cream and baked desserts, fruits have a sweet, custardish flavor somewhat similar to banana, mango, and cantaloupe. 

Chicago Fig:

Also called bensonhurst purple fig

Chicago Hardy Fig
Productive and easy to grow. Bears delicious medium-size figs. Exhibits drought-tolerance once established. May die back in colder climates and resume growth in spring. Bears fruit early on new growth. Fruit produced on the older wood will appear in early summer and fruit on new growth will appear in early fall. Ripe fruit has a dark mahogany color. Originates from Sicily. Grows well in containers! Heat-tolerant. Ripens in July through frost. Self-pollinating. When mature, this tree will be approximately 15 - 30’ tall x 15 - 35’ wide, if not containered and pruned.

Fruit ColorPurple
Fruit SizeMedium
Ripens/HarvestJuly Through Frost
Shade/SunPartial Shade - Full Sun
Soil CompositionLoamy
Soil MoistureWell Drained
Soil pH Level6.0 - 6.5
TextureFine Grained
Years to Bear1 - 2
Zone Range5 - 10

Thursday, February 1, 2018

A lemon, a lime, and a tangerine!! Oh my!!

We stopped at a Home Depot, last fall, and much to my surprise they had citrus trees in stock! I spent several minutes looking at them and trying to decide if I could winter them over. After talking to one of the garden center employees, who was very helpful, and deciding which ones looked the healthiest I purchased one of each. Can hardly wait to set them outside and see how they do here over the summer months.

Here are a few things to remember when purchasing citrus trees thanks to and

Tips for Beginners: 
Lemon Trees: 
Lemon trees are a great plant to have around the house. However, there are a few things you should remember. Follow these tips to ensure your lemon tree has the best chance of survival.
1. Place outdoors: Gardening Know How says that it’s important to place your growing tree outdoors for a period of time during the day. This will increase its likeliness to bear fruit and allow bees to pollinate the tree. 
2. Be aware of your location: Lemons love being warm, but consider whether or not your area is too warm. A blog from White on Rice Couple indicates that they discovered placing their lemon tree in direct sunlight in California was a bit too much. If you live in an unusually warm location, you may want to avoid direct sunlight for long periods of time. 
3. Maintain a proper temperature: Plantea indicates that lemons do best in temperatures of 70 degrees F during the day and no lower than 55 degrees F during the night. The article also suggests that while the plant is considered evergreen, it will go in a dormant state and not produce fruit if they are put in temperatures below 54 degrees F.

Tangerine Tree:
1.Grow it in a pot: Tangerines do really well in hot, sunny weather. So unless you live in a semi-tropical or tropical climate, you should plant your tangerine tree in a pot, according to Gardening Know How. Choose a medium to large size pot (so the roots have a little growing room) and choose a sunny location for your plant. Tangerines thrive on neutral soil so remove any excess peat from the roots before potting. For best results, opt for a sprouted tree over seeds (for better fruit production). Opt for dwarf versions of the tree if you choose to plant in a container.
2. In the backyard: If you’re lucky enough to live in the right climate, you can grow your own tangerine tree in the backyard (or front yard). As with planting the tangerine tree in a pot, you should choose a sapling rather than a seed to start your crop. Choose a sunny location and dig a hole just bigger than the root ball, according to Backyard Gardening. Before planting, make sure the roots are loose (you may have to cut off any wrapping canvas and/or gently use your fingers to slightly loosen the roots from the ball). Cover with dirt and keep your tree watered regularly for a few months and whenever it’s been more than a week since rainfall.

3. As a houseplant: You can grow tangerines from a seed, just know that the fruit this type of seed produces may not very tasty. The tree can make a pretty (and lovely smelling) decorative plant, though. As an added bonus: if your pets (or kids) nosh on the leaves, they’ll be fine. The plant is non-toxic. The next time you buy a tangerine (or a lemon!), cut the fruit in half and keep the biggest seeds you can find. For best results, you’ll want to plant them as soon as possible to keep the seeds fresh. Fill a 3 to 4-inch pot with soil and plant all of your seeds about 1/2 inch deep. Moisten the soil and cover the pot with plastic wrap (this will keep the soil moist). Keep the pot out of direct sunlight. Once your first sprouts appear (it can take up to two weeks), remove the plastic and plant in a larger pot in a warm area with good sunlight. Water regularly, but be careful not to over water them. Remember: patience is key. These plants grow slowly.

Lime Tree:
1. Choose a Suitable Variety of Lime Tree: A dwarf variety of lime tree is the best choice when growing lime trees in containers. Regardless, the tree will undoubtedly need repotting after about three to four years, or you can remove the tree from the pot, prune the roots (take 2-3 inches off) and one-third of the foliage, and then repot with fresh potting soil. The size of the tree is directly related to the size of the container. Some examples of lime varietals suitable for container grown lime trees include the following: ‘Bearss’ lime, also known as Tahitian lime or Persian lime, which is a common variety that grows to 20 feet with seedless fruit ‘Kaffir’ lime, which is a bush variety that is best kept pruned to under 10 feet and whose aromatic leaves are used in Asian cuisine ‘Mexican’ lime, aka key lime or West Indian lime, which is another bushy variety around 15 feet tall with 2-inch strongly acidic fruit ‘Palestinian’ lime, a sweet round, milder fruit that makes great limeade.
2. How to Plant Potted Lime Trees: Container grown lime trees, like all the citrus trees, love lots of sun and moist, well-draining soil. Choose a location with at least eight hours of direct sun. Situating against a south facing wall, building or fence is ideal and will also protect the tree from cold northern winds. Plant your lime tree in the spring in a neutral pH, moistened potting medium. The container should have drainage holes as citrus trees do not like “wet feet” and should be at least 15 gallons (an old whiskey barrel is ideal). Include a little slow release fertilizer such as Osmocote. Heavy duty coasters will enable you to easily move the tree. Since citrus trees need high humidity, place the plant over a pebble tray or mist daily and maintain a consistent watering schedule lest the lime tree loses leaves.
3. Care for Lime Trees in a Pot: Water is of primary importance to your potted lime tree and is gauged by the size of the tree and temperatures. Reduce watering prior to winter to avoid the possibility of stimulating growth that may become damaged in cooler temps. Over watering can become an issue, but don’t let the tree dry out completely! Allow the upper inch of the soil to dry out before watering. Metal and ceramic containers (and plastic) stay wet longer than wood or clay. Fertilize the lime tree monthly until midsummer and never after July. Prune your container grown lime trees. Watch for any suckers that form and immediately prune to not only maintain the shape of the tree but to keep the growth compact and promote better fruit production. Thin branches to 4-6 inches apart for fewer but larger fruit set, in the latter part of winter. Bring the potted lime tree indoors or in a garage if temps drop to 40 degrees F. (4 C.) and reduce watering. Keep an eye out for pests, like aphids and scale, on the lime leaves. Insecticidal soap will control the aphids and horticultural oil will take care of the scale, both of which support the growth of sooty mold. When growing lime trees in containers, keep in mind that the tree is under more stress than that grown in an orchard or garden, so constant maintenance is the key to a healthy plant and gorgeous fruit.

Read more at Gardening Know How: Potted Lime Trees: Caring For Container Grown Lime Trees