Sunday, June 30, 2019

Canning Rainier Cherries

Worked up 20 lbs of beautiful Rainier Cherries in the last 2 days! Made 3 jars of Amaretto Cherries too! Yum!! Sent about 1/2 of the jars home for the great grands! Will be using the culls (the bruised but still good fruit) for jam. Enjoy the show!

What beautiful and huge, cherries!

Fill her up! Using a light syrup as these are a sweet/tart cherry.

First two batches! Cherries turned yellow and the syrup is pink!

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Radish seed pods ~ they're great!

Letting the radish crop go to seed has several bonuses... Radish pods taste just like the radishes they spawn from, but more concentrated in flavor. ... All radish plants form edible seed pods, and there is even an heirloom variety called Rat's Tail radish grown specifically for its large, tender seed pods. Bees and other pollinators love the blooms and so do I. Use in stir fry, salads, pickle them for garnish and eat them right in the garden. From root to pod, they are delicious!

Radishes in bloom