Determinate. These seeds produce plants that produce the vast majority of their fruit within a short time frame (like a week or two). Therefore, these seed varieties are convenient for home food preservation.
Indeterminate. Seeds with this label will produce plants whose fruit matures over the growing season, thus providing small yields for months.
Direct-sow. These seeds should be planted directly into the garden bed. Direct-sow seeds do not tolerate transplanting.
Open-pollinated. Seeds saved and re-planted from these varieties will "breed true," growing into nearly identical plants as the plant on which they were harvested.
Heirloom. These plant varieties are at least 50 years old and open-pollinated, so any seeds collected from these plants will "breed true."
Hybrid. These seeds result from a cross between two plants to produce desirable characteristics such as large flowers or disease resistance. Seeds collected from mature hybrids may not look or grow like the parent (will not breed true) and are unsuitable for saving.
Annual. These plants complete their life cycle in one year or less, requiring re-planting each year.
Biennials. These plants complete their life cycle in two years.
Perennials. These varieties live more than two years.
Organic. These seeds are grown under USDA guidelines for soil quality, and the use of pesticides and fertilizers is limited to a shortlist of approved products.