Saturday, December 4, 2010

What a beautiful day after all...

At the start of the day it didn't look too promising, the skies were gray and looked like they were going to give us lots more snow. It was such a nice surprise to have the day turn out so bright and sunny! The blue sky and the Blue Mountains! What a treat!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

the Deer that came to breakfast & The morning moon

Got up early (5:30 am) and took the dog out to play fetch. We are headed to a flea market today and it would be nice if she had some play time before the long ride. After our play time I went out to water some plants and there was a young doe in the yard! We know they come here, we just don't see them, just the empty feeders and their little hoof prints are left behind. It was too dark so the pictures didn't turn out...booooo! Well I can still share some nice pictures of the sunrise!

Friday, August 27, 2010

End of Summer (sigh)

Seems like fall is here! The local wheat is harvested along with the mint, grass crops, alphalfa and grass hay. The Saturday Market is full of fresh local produce and honey as well as vendors selling arts and crafts. The night air is cool and the days are hot... yep it's fall! The flowers are enjoying the cooler air, the bees are busy gathering pollen. I'm just not ready, summer was too short!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What beautiful weather we are having! It is hot during the day, but cool at night. Gotta love it! I have been waiting to get just the right shot of the trumpet vine that took over the fence, the yard and the bird feeder! Today was the day. Not sure which I like best ... the organge or yellow trumpet vine. hhmmmm maybe the yellow.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Dog who Digs the Gardens

I have been asked what the dog who digs the garden looks like. Just a little bit about her... Her name is Elvira, she is 9 1/2 months old, weighs in at just under 70 lbs., her color is blond-brindle. She loves to play in the sprinkler and play with her toys. Her breed is English & American pitbull/bull mastif.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lillies and Ladybug

Wow! Our daughter came to visit and worked so hard to get the front yard back in shape for us. The results were amazing but not ready for prime time... after a severe pruning many things need some time to heal. More on that later. Posting new pictures for you to enjoy.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Larkspur and butterfly

Well, another beautiful day in the valley! Still trying to play catch-up on the weed patch also known as my garden. With a whole lot of help from my daughter we are making some headway! The plus of the self sowing flowers... there are usually some larkspur and some old poppies. The poppy seeds were given to me about 38 years ago and sat in a "Ponds" jar for many, many years before they were found and planted. Seeds are amazing!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

So here we are a month plus later and it is cold outside! The plus to that? Well the spring flowers are staying longer and that is very enjoyable. We did buy a few plants to stick in bigger pots and leave in the little greenhouse for a bit longer. Bell peppers (red & yellow), eggplant, roma and yellow pear tomatoes, as well as a couple more strawberry plants to replace some that we lost due to dog trampling. Had planned to work around the yard today but with the rain I guess it's an indoor day. Not to worry! I have coffee! Thought I'd share a flower with you but I have no idea what it's name is so I'll just call it... Bob (hehe) I'll post you when I have time to go look it up as it isn't in any of my plant books or if you know what it is please share!

Monday, March 8, 2010

New Snow!

Yep, new snow in the mountains and rain here in the valley. The flowers are loving it! Not too many more days til the daffodils open and I am so glad. The raised beds are dry enough to work, but it's still too cold to plant and be sure to get good germination. About a month ago I noticed the untreated potatoes my mother-in-law gave me were sprouting; I just happened to have an unused pot of soil in the house and decided to get a jump on spring. I have 3 very nice plants about 6 inches tall! They look so pretty sitting in the window just waiting to be outdoors

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Frosty morning

The sun is out and it's a bit frosty, this morning. The veiw of the mountains this morning is beautiful. We had such a good time Friday night with our neighbors! We fired up the chiminea, in our front yard, and sat around chatting and enjoying the crackle of the fire and the soft scent of applewood in the air. Life is good.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine!

What a beautiful day! Well if you don't see all the clouds moving in... So, I'll just look out my window at work and see the sun shining on the snow on Mt. Emily. She has a cap of clouds that quite becomes her on this fine spring day. Had some time to enjoy the few little white crocus that are blooming on the south side of the house. Everything blooms early on that side so I try to put several spring bloomers there to enjoy as I walk the stone path to the back yard.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Is it Spring Yet!?

Well the garden says it is, but I'm not so sure. Here in NE Oregon the crocus are up and the daffodils have buds on them as we still see new snow in the mountains and below freezing temps at night. The fruit trees are even trying to bud, due to the warm days. Guess it's time to start cleaning up around the old place and fill in the holes dear Miss Elvira has so diligently placed around the yard and garden.