So here we are a month plus later and it is cold outside! The plus to that? Well the spring flowers are staying longer and that is very enjoyable. We did buy a few plants to stick in bigger pots and leave in the little greenhouse for a bit longer. Bell peppers (red & yellow), eggplant, roma and yellow pear tomatoes, as well as a couple more strawberry plants to replace some that we lost due to dog trampling. Had planned to work around the yard today but with the rain I guess it's an indoor day. Not to worry! I have coffee! Thought I'd share a flower with you but I have no idea what it's name is so I'll just call it... Bob (hehe) I'll post you when I have time to go look it up as it isn't in any of my plant books or if you know what it is please share!
Watching baby robins grow
9 years ago
Here we are almost 3 years later and I found out the name of this beautiful flower! It is a fringed bergenia. It loves the area in my front flower bed a little too much though and needs to be thinned. If you have a spot that needs a nice, large leafed, blooming ground cover this is a good one as well as some bright spot color in the spring, this is a great plant for you. It does need good drainage and doesn't mind it being a bit on the dry side.