Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lillies and Ladybug

Wow! Our daughter came to visit and worked so hard to get the front yard back in shape for us. The results were amazing but not ready for prime time... after a severe pruning many things need some time to heal. More on that later. Posting new pictures for you to enjoy.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Larkspur and butterfly

Well, another beautiful day in the valley! Still trying to play catch-up on the weed patch also known as my garden. With a whole lot of help from my daughter we are making some headway! The plus of the self sowing flowers... there are usually some larkspur and some old poppies. The poppy seeds were given to me about 38 years ago and sat in a "Ponds" jar for many, many years before they were found and planted. Seeds are amazing!