Thursday, March 28, 2013

Blue-eyed Grass

Blue-eyed grass is one of my favorite spring flowers. These little flowers are showy and prolific! I love to see the mountain meadows covered in their blooms.

Snow mushroom

We pick snow mushrooms a little earlier than morels but many times we find both toward the end of May. The season will be off this year as we didn't get the usual snow pack. Much less snow that normal.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Seems like we (I) let too many other things get in the mix and too many other projects take over. My latest project is to learn to photoshop my pictures so they can be made into post cards and note cards. This picture was taken a few years ago on a mushroom picking excursion on Mt. Emily. I would love to see some comments! Good or bad so I can improve my work. Thanks!