Monday, May 7, 2012

Better off Potted

Since I have a smallish yard and space for flowers is limited, I have kept a few of my favorites in pots. It's handy to move them inside of the little greenhouse to move them along in cool weather, I can move them around to spots that need color when they are blooming and move them to the back yard when they are done. It's also a good way to keep plants that like to spread, like mints, where they belong, at least for awhile! It's also a great and easy way share a favorite plant/flower. Lillies and day lillies seem to do best in pots, but I also have iris, ivy, varigated vinca, various sedums and herbs. I learned one lesson the hard way regarding ceramic pots... be sure they are well drained and are sitting on gravel or up off the ground a bit. Lost one of my favorite pots last year when it froze and broke. I am keeping most plants in plastic pots and set them inside the  ceramic pots for the summer. Plant a few annuals around the edges or back fill soil to the pots edge; you'll never see the plastic and you can empty and store the ceramic for next season.

Super Moon

Saturday was the "Super" Moon! What a great night for it, at least as far as pictures go. The clouds rolled in and I thought picture taking would be a waste of time. Boy was I wrong! I got several very nice pictures and what started out as a cloudy night was the lead in for a beautiful Sunday.