Thursday, September 22, 2011

Unable to reply to your comments

For some reason I am unable to post replies to comments on my blog page, so guess I'll do that here!... I really need to take some cuttings of the thyme this fall so that I have some to place in other spots in the walk, next spring. As for cots... well that would be Apricots. You might try shading your garden next year if it looks like it's going to be as hot as this summer was. Tomatoes are supposed to love the red shade cloth and produce extra well when it's used. Not sure how the other plants will feel about it.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Creeping plants in the walk

After many attempts to get a variety of creepers for the walk way there are a few that have survived and thrive with little care. Creeping thyme is one of my very favorites with it's dainty, purple blooms in the spring and it's habit of surviving in spite of me! Another is a little fern like plant that has taken over one end of the walk. It has a very strange, exotic looking bloom. Irish moss, both light and dark green, are doing well, as long as I can keep another creeping plant (name unknown.. well I have called it a few choice ones) in bounds. It has taken over parts of the walk and choked out the moss in those areas. Now that I have pulled up a large area of the little "creep" the moss is much happier. Then there is the Trumpet Vine (sigh). Well we will just leave it at that. Some day I hope to post pictures of the finished walk; it's been under construction for two summer's now.

Enjoying the summer's bounty.

We have had such a mild summer with only a couple of days in the 90's and in spite of the long, cool spring many gardeners are enjoying a bounty from their gardens. Our meals have included tasty additions of beans, zuchini, tomatoes and beets from my mother-in-law's garden. Farmer's Market has provided us with several types of sweet peppers, sweet onions, fresh eggs, local honey and much more. My neice was sweet enough to bring me some cots, which were shared with my mother-in-law. This is the second summer our plums, prunes and apricots haven't done well. Guess I'll try some severe pruning and see if it will jump start them.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Mt Harris Mushroom trip

After going to Hog Wild Days, Sat. afternoon, we decided to take a trip up Mt. Harris, in hopes of finding a nice patch or two of mushrooms. Well, we did find a few and had them with dinner tonight. Lots of other folks out doing the same thing...hunting the elusive Morel! It was a great trip up and around the mountain along with a stroll down memory lane.... the first time we went out on the rock face and saw where pioneers to our valley had cut their names and the date, into the stone; the first rattle snake I had ever seen here (although I knew they were about, had never seen one in all the years we've trekked around these mountains!); the many trips with family and friends for picnics and weekend drives and many more memories, too numerous to tell.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mt Emily Mushroom Hunt

We could not have asked for a nicer day to trek around the mountains in search of the illusive Morels and Snow Mushrooms (also called calf brain mushrooms). Elvira had her day cut out for her keeping track of her humans! Her nose worked over time on all the new smells the woods offered her. After a successful hunt we headed home for some fried goodness... Morels, pan fried. Yum!

Monday, May 9, 2011

When is it Spring?

Well it may be that Spring is officially here, by the calendar, but the weather is still saying winter. It really does not want to let go! On the bright side... The spring flowers are hanging on much longer than usual and are so very pretty! The little seed tulips are making a big show of it this year as they have spread along the fence and over into the neighbors driveway. The daffodils and grape hyacinth are also quite showy. I am planning to put some white tulips along the fence/pathway for next spring. We still have some work to do on the pathway but that will come along as it warms up a bit! I am really enjoying the longer days as they allow me to get out into the yard for a little bit after I get home from work.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Birds and other critters

7:30 pm and the air is full of sound... The Crowned Sparrows have taken over the yard and the feeders and fill the evening with their songs. We were out cleaning up the front yard this morning and did not get a very warm reception from the birds. They did a whole lot of complaining cause we were too close to the feeders. After some yard work we took a drive out to the marshland and did some more birding, saw lots of ducks, geese, hawks and Coots. Our bonus was seeing a small herd of Pronghorn Antelope, a Great Blue Heron and three Cranes. In the foreground is Ladd Marsh and in the background is Mt. Fanny.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunny Spring Morning

7am... the sun was shining bright and big, fat flakes of snow drifted gently down from a blue and windless sky. How does that happen? A few crocus are bravely showing their bright colors and some daffodils are budding. Along the walkway, a whole new generation of wild tulips are coming up from last year's seeds. (The first year I almost pulled them as they look like grass coming up in the path.) One little quail among the blackbirds and starlings scratching away at the seeds that have been kicked to the ground. The thistle socks are straining with the weight of the Gold finches and House finches who are so intent on getting their breakfast that they ignore the squirrel's antics on the sunflower feeder. All in all a beautiful morning.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Three little Quail sitting in a tree

I had to snap this shot! I happen to look out the front window and there they were, just waiting for me to get the camera out! We have been seeing more of the little quail coming in this year than ever before. They roam the neighborhood in huge coveys of 50 or more. Our little covey is about 14 strong. They are so fun to watch; scratching around the yard like a bunch of fancy chickens.

Orchids and other flowering house plants

Ok, Ok!! I said I'd let the orchids live! But... I bought some anyway. They don't like me much (I have killed several) but here I go again! I enjoy their special beauty and style. Then there is a plant that I have had for about 16 years. Mine has not bloomed in all that time although I have seen the same variety in bloom elsewhere. I have no idea what it's botanical or common name is. Anybody gotta clue?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Quail in the yard and other critters

It seems just when you are thinking how dreary a day is you find some little things to smile about. We have always had quail around our end of town, but it is rare for them to be in our yard at least until lately. Today there were 14 of them scratchin' around the feeders! I hope I can get a picture of the whole covey, someday.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rain, rain, rain

After so many dark and dreary days, it is hard to imagine that spring really is upon us. As I drive to work the proof is there... a few yellow crocus in this yard and that, the lilac's in my daughter's yard starting to put out some leaves, the Robin chatting and redwing blackbirds in the trees and feeders in my front yard. The American Goldfinches are beginning to show their color... the bright golden yellow of the males is so striking in the spring; they look so jaunty with that crown of black. Guess it's time to get out the seed catalogs and start figuring out what to plant. Somehow that always makes the rain seem more inviting; knowing it is warming the planting beds and helping the compost to break down a bit more before we turn it into the gardens.