Saturday, June 20, 2020

Chives ~ harvest or let them bloom?

This year the weather has been so wild, wet and cold that the garden is getting ahead of me! I've decided to let the chives bloom and then will harvest the seed for later planting and dehydrate the stems for seasonings. Planning to dehydrate more of my herbs and some vegetables this year.

Chives are a great companion plant! By adding chives to your garden where you grow parsley, broccoli, cabbage, eggplant, kohlrabi, mustard, peppers, potatoes, rhubarb, roses, squash, strawberries or tomatoes will help those plants. Companion planting chive with carrots will improve both the growth and flavor of your carrots.

Deer tend to steer clear of chives because of their strong odor and flavor. Chives are easy to grow and once they are established, they self-sow. In addition, chives boast pretty white or purple flowers in summer. To deter deer, you can plant chives throughout your landscaping and alongside your vegetables.

Chives ~ 26 May 2020

Friday, June 19, 2020

The Morel of the story... We love Morel season!

Spring finally arrived in the mountains! Now it's time to foraging for wild morels!