Monday, November 30, 2020

Houseplants have their uses...


So, here it is the last day of November. The weather has been wild here, wind, rain, snow and more wind. However, it's nice and warm inside and all of the houseplants that summered outside are enjoying being back inside. 

Not only do houseplants help clean the air in your home, some flower and give you weeks of colorful enjoyment. African violets are beginning to bloom, the Thanksgiving cactus is finished but the Christmas cactus is setting buds! The cyclamen, prayer plant and an unnamed succulent are also adding to the show. 

Many plants needed dividing last spring and there are quite a few nice starts to sell or gift. By selling starts I can make a few dollars to spend on seeds for next year's garden and also plan to sell seedlings of extra tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and other garden goodies. It's nice that they all play a part in helping fund my gardening enjoyment.

Here are a few of the ones I have this year: