Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Garden Trial of Heirloom Seeds

Many of you may have wondered why I placed so much importance to certain varieties of seeds that were planted, the reason was that I had purchased a sealed can of seed several years ago and wanted to see how they had held up. Of the first 3 varieties planted; Bloomsdale Long Spinach (Heirloom), Buttercrunch lettuce, and Eclipse onion I am happy to report that there was about a 95% germination.

I went on to plant peas and squash (also from the can) that germinated very well. I am very happy with the results and there are many more seeds to test for next year!

We enjoyed the lettuce and spinach but the onions didn't do well where they were planted. My fault! They (the Eclipse onions) will get a better spot next year.

Bloomsdale Long Spinach (Heirloom variety)

Little Marvel bush peas
Little Marvel bush peas