Friday, August 26, 2011

Creeping plants in the walk

After many attempts to get a variety of creepers for the walk way there are a few that have survived and thrive with little care. Creeping thyme is one of my very favorites with it's dainty, purple blooms in the spring and it's habit of surviving in spite of me! Another is a little fern like plant that has taken over one end of the walk. It has a very strange, exotic looking bloom. Irish moss, both light and dark green, are doing well, as long as I can keep another creeping plant (name unknown.. well I have called it a few choice ones) in bounds. It has taken over parts of the walk and choked out the moss in those areas. Now that I have pulled up a large area of the little "creep" the moss is much happier. Then there is the Trumpet Vine (sigh). Well we will just leave it at that. Some day I hope to post pictures of the finished walk; it's been under construction for two summer's now.

Enjoying the summer's bounty.

We have had such a mild summer with only a couple of days in the 90's and in spite of the long, cool spring many gardeners are enjoying a bounty from their gardens. Our meals have included tasty additions of beans, zuchini, tomatoes and beets from my mother-in-law's garden. Farmer's Market has provided us with several types of sweet peppers, sweet onions, fresh eggs, local honey and much more. My neice was sweet enough to bring me some cots, which were shared with my mother-in-law. This is the second summer our plums, prunes and apricots haven't done well. Guess I'll try some severe pruning and see if it will jump start them.